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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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Program Integrity Training

DHCF/Division of Program Integrity (DPI) training and outreach:

The DPI conducts training, education, and outreach for providers and beneficiaries for various purposes including:
  1. Overall program integrity awareness.
  2. In response to specific audits/investigations.
  3. In response to general identified FWA schemes.
  4. As part of established DHCF meetings, such as MCAC.
In addition, CMS provides numerous resources online which are further discussed below.

CMS Medicaid training and outreach:

CMS/Center for Program Integrity provides educational resources to educate providers, beneficiaries and other stakeholders in promoting best practices and awareness of Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse.
There are several available resources including print and electronic media, toolkits, train-the-trainer guides, webinars, videos, and other innovative strategies. The resources are available at the following link:
The website includes a link to Medicaid Program Integrity Education at Glance, which contains lists of available toolkits, podcasts, infographics, and other information.  
The CMS/Center for Program Integrity resources includes a Documentation Matters Toolkit. Medical documentation is important as it affects services, billing, and improper payments. This toolkit is designed to serve as guidance for the medical professionals in the business of helping their patients while complying with Federal and State laws. The toolkit is available at: