Federal and State laws mandate identifying and recovering improper payments and other program integrity activities through audits, investigations and reviews. The following regulations, citations and/or memorandums listed below are for information purposes only; this is not an all-inclusive listing:
- Federal Executive Order No. 13520 (11/20/09)
- Improper Payments Information Act of 2002
- Presidential Memorandum Regarding Finding and Recapturing Improper Payments (3/10/2010)
Other Federal mandates and requirements:
Title: 29 Public Welfare - Chapter: 29-13 Medicaid Program Administrative Procedures (http://dcregs.dc.gov/Gateway/ChapterHome.aspx?ChapterNumber=29-13)
Title: 29 Public Welfare - Chapter: 29-19 HOME AND COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES WAIVER FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH INTELLECTUAL AND DEVELOPMENTALDISABILITIES (http://dcregs.dc.gov/Gateway/ChapterHome.aspx?ChapterNumber=29-19)
Sec. 1902. [42 U.S.C. 1396a] - STATE PLANS FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/search/pagedetails.action?granuleId=USCODE-2010-title42-chap7-subchapXIX-sec1396a&packageId=USCODE-2010-title42)