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November MCAC Access Subcommittee Agenda and Materials

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The DHCF MCAC Access Subcommittee is holding a virtual meeting at 9:30 AM on 11/4/2020 on Perinatal Health. The Subcommittee will hear from experts and stakeholders on perinatal health, then hold a group discussion on the topic. At the end of the meeting, the Subcommittee will also finish its discussion of access issues related to the use of technology for health care. Experts, stakeholders, and the entire group should try to frame their discussion around the following 3 questions:

  • What is the state of access to quality perinatal health in the District, specifically around services that Medicaid and Medicaid managed care plans currently provide?
  • How can Medicaid and Medicaid managed care plans improve access to quality perinatal health services in the District going forward?
  • What ongoing work are entities doing to implement the Certified Professional Midwife Act of 2020 or other efforts to improve maternal health access and outcomes in the District?

The Access Subcommittee is held the second Wednesday of every other month starting in September (with the date in November changing to Nov. 4th because of Veteran’s Day). These meetings are open to all members of the public and you are encouraged to share this calendar invite with others who may be interested. Please reach out to Taylor Woods at [email protected] to be included on all MCAC Access correspondence.

The scope of the Access Subcommittee is to: 1) Provide feedback on DHCF’s ongoing efforts to enhance beneficiary and provider input; 2) Alert DHCF to emerging access issues for particular providers or beneficiary groups; and 3) Alert DHCF to any other efforts to study or monitor access to health care in the District. The Access Subcommittee will select a topic and invite experts and stakeholders on each topic before each meeting.

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