Tuesday, October 13, 2015
District of Columbia
State Innovation Model
Advisory Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
3 - 5 pm
One Judiciary Square
441 4th Street, NW, Room 1028
Washington, DC 20001
Committee Members (Invitees):
Christian Barrera (Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services); Yvette Alexander (City Councilmember, Ward 7); Rayna Smith, Esq (Committee on Health and Human Services); Claudia Schlosberg (Department of Health Care Finance); Lisa Fitzpatrick, MD (Department of Health Care Finance); LaQuandra S. Nesbitt, MD (Department of Health); Laura Zeilinger (Department of Human Services); Stephen Taylor (Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking); Tanya Royster, MD (Department of Behavioral Health); Jullette Saussy, MD (Fire and EMS Department); Mara Krause Donahue (Medicaid Beneficiary Representative); Amy Freeman (Providence Hospital); Mark Weissman, MD (Children’s National Health System); Jonathan Blum, MD (CareFirst); Karen Dale, RN, MSN, CS (AmeriHealth); Maria Gomez, RN, MPH (Mary’s Center); Angela Diop, ND (Unity Healthcare); Reverend Frank Tucker (First People Church); Reverend Christine Wiley (Convenant Church); Christy Respress (Pathways to Housing); Christopher King, PhD (Georgetown University School of Nursing and Health Studies), Jacqueline Bowens (District of Columbia Primary Care Association), Laura Nuss (Department on Disability Services), Richard Bebout, (Green Door)
DHCF/HCRIA Staff: Shelly Ten Napel, DaShawn Groves, Dena Hasan, Joe Weissfeld
1. Introductions
Entire Committee
2. National Payment and Delivery System Reform Landscape
a. What payment models are being considered as value-based purchasing options in both the public and private sector?
b. What have other SIM health care delivery and payment models looked like in other states?
c. How have other states succeeded in the operationalization of payment reforms?
d. How was "readiness" determined by states as they used new models or adopted payment reforms?
Michael Bailit, MBA
President, Bailit Health
3. District’s Vision for Care Delivery and Payment Model Reform
a. What is the District’s vision for delivery system and payment reform?
Dr. Nesbitt
Director, Department of Health
4. Next Steps
a. Upcoming Meeting Dates
(January 13th, March 9th, May 11th, July 13th)
Dr. Nesbitt
Director, Department of Health
5. Adjournment