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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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PUBLIC NOTICE: Uninsured DC Residents Can Apply for Free Health Insurance

Friday, May 1, 2020

More than 80,000 individuals have filed new unemployment claims since the COVID public health emergency began in mid-March. Any of these individuals who are also newly uninsured may be eligible for some of the District’s free health coverage programs. To improve public understanding about eligibility for and the application process for the public health coverage programs that DHCF offers, DHCF has created a simple one page document that outlines general eligibility and income requirements for Medicaid, DC Healthcare Alliance and the Immigrant Children’s Program and provides information about how to apply during the emergency.

Please review, post and share this information with any interested colleagues, organizations and community groups to ensure all are aware of their opportunity to enroll in free, comprehensive health coverage if they need it.

For more information about DHCF programs and how to apply, please contact Alice Weiss at DHCF at [email protected]. Thank you.