The Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) is seeking public comments on proposed new by-laws for the Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC). MCAC is charged with advising the Medicaid agency about health and medical care services, and is required by federal regulation for each State Medicaid program.
The by-laws were developed by a work group composed of the following:
DHCF representatives
- Claudia Schlosberg
- Dena Hasan
- Keith Parsons
- Trina Dutta
MCAC representatives
- HyeSook Chung
- Jackie Bowens
- Justin Palmer
The MCAC By-Laws Workgroup has been meeting since early February, and is pleased to share its final draft of the MCAC By-Laws for consideration by DHCF’s stakeholders. These By-Laws build upon the prior experiences of this MCAC body, by-laws from other state Medicaid programs and relevant District laws.
Of particular interest to the public are substantive changes made to the breadth and scope of the By-Laws, including:
- MCAC’s role in advising DHCF leadership on the DC Healthcare Alliance Program, insofar as it interacts with Medicaid
- Requirement for MCAC to publish and submit an annual report to the Mayor and/or the DC City Council
- Guidance on appointments to the MCAC, term-limits, and MCAC composition (i.e., healthcare providers, beneficiaries and beneficiary advocates, and ex-officio members from sister agencies in District government)
- Detailed requirements around conflict of interest and associated disclosures, recusals, and resignation/dismissal
Written comments on the proposed MCAC by-laws shall be submitted to Ms. Trina Dutta, Special Projects Officer, DC Department of Health Care Finance, 441 Fourth Street NW, 922a, Washington, DC 20001, or via e-mail at [email protected], by Friday, July 15, close of business.
Copies of this notice and the proposed MCAC by-laws will be published on the DHCF website at For further information or to request copies of the proposed by-laws, please contact Trina Dutta, Special Projects Officer, DC Department of Health Care Finance, (202) 719-6632 or [email protected].