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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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Public Notice: DC Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC) Meeting

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
When: Wednesday, October 26, 2016
              5 pm -7 pm
Where: 4058 Minnesota Avenue NE, Community Room 1
               Washington, DC 20019
Call-In#:    1-877-709-6519, code 1819767
1. Call to Order
2. DHCF Director or Senior Deputy Director/Medicaid Director Report
a. Thank prior MCAC members
b. Welcome new MCAC members
3. MCAC Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson 
4. DHCF Priorities for FY2017 - Discussion
a. Improve health outcomes
b. Reform long-term care
c. Strengthen program integrity 
d. Sustain the safety-net hospital system 
5. Discussion of Subcommittee Formation 
a. Access
b. Others?
6. Old Business
a. SPA Report
b. Enrollment Report
7. New Business
8. Opportunity for Public Comment
9. Announcements
10. Meeting Adjournment