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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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Public Notice: DC Medicaid Providers Invited to Attend an Informational Webinar

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

DC Medicaid providers are invited to attend an informational webinar on the following dates:

Thursday October 23rd, 2014– 11 am – 12:30 pm


Thursday October 30th, 2014– 2 pm – 3:30pm

The webinar will provide key information about the Recovery Audit Contract (RAC) program as mandated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  This program requires ongoing auditing of providers.  The webinar is being hosted by PRGX, the auditing contract vendor of DHCF.  PRGX will present the same information on both webinar dates (10/23/14 & 10/30/14).

To join the Webinar and view the presentation (AUDIO and VISUAL):

  1. Type the following address in your browser search:
  2. Select enter as a guest
  3. Enter your first and last name and email address
  4. Select join Meeting (you do not have to register to join meeting)
  5. A pop-up box will appear to connect you to the audio

(NOTE: Please ensure that Pop-ups are enabled in your browser settings prior to joining the webinar)

  1. Select the option “call my phone”
  2. Enter your phone number and select connect me ( the conference meeting will call your telephone)
  3. Your phone will ring and prompt you to join the meeting

To join the Webinar (AUDIO ONLY):

  1. Dial in :  1-866-398-2885
  2. Enter guest passcode: 964-175-9341