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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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DHCF Announces Medicaid 101 In-Service

Tuesday, November 15, 2016
A day-long in-service in which individuals will get a broad overview of Medicaid in the District- December 19th 8:30 am - 5 pm -Registration now open!

Register here:


Who: Any individual interested in learning the basics about Medicaid

What: A day-long in-service in which individuals will get a broad overview of Medicaid in the District. The training will cover the following:

  • Putting the Medicaid Program in Context
  • Medicaid and Alliance Eligibility
  • Benefits and Delivery Systems
  • Finance/Spending
  • Providers and Payment
  • Medicaid Innovations and Initiatives

When: Monday, December 19. 8:30-5 pm (lunch is on your own, 12:30-1:30 pm)

Where: 441 4th Street NW, Washington, DC, Main Streets Conference Room (#1028)

Why: To engage with DHCF staff on a variety of Medicaid-related issues

How: You can register at Registration is capped at 75 people.
Organizer: Department of Health Care Finance
This in-service is coordinated by DC’s Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF). DHCF is the District of Columbia’s state Medicaid agency.
The mission of the Department of Health Care Finance is to improve health outcomes by providing access to comprehensive, cost-effective and quality healthcare services for residents of the District of Columbia.
You can learn more about DHCF at
For questions, contact Trina Dutta at [email protected].