(Washington, DC) The Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) today announced that it has extended the deadline for providers to respond to the Request for Applications for the Provider Stabilization and Beneficiary Access Grant which provides funds to eligible providers affected by the dissolution of Chartered Health Plan, Inc. (CHP). The grants are for undisputed unpaid claims for services rendered to beneficiaries of the DC Medicaid and DC Health Care Alliance program.
Interested applicants may obtain a copy of the application packet from the DHCF website at www.dhcf.dc.gov or may contact the Office of the Chief Operating Officer at DHCF by calling (202) 442-9533.
Completed grant application packets may be submitted by mail or in person at 899 N. Capitol Street, NE, 6th Floor, Washington, DC or by email ([email protected]) or fax (202-442-4790) no later than 5 pm on Tuesday, September 3, 2013.