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DC HIE Policy Board Meeting Agenda - March 20, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Meeting is to take place Wednesday, March 20 from 2 pm to 4 pm.

District of Columbia
Health Information Exchange
Policy Board Meeting

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2 pm - 4 pm

Department of Health Care Finance
899 North Capitol Street, NE, 6th Floor
Conference Room 6130
Washington, DC 20002

Barbara Bazron, PhD (DC Department of Mental Health), David Bishop (DC
Office of the Chief Technology Officer), Jamal Chappelle (The Chappelle Group,
LLC), James K. Costello (Board Nominee/DC Primary Care Association), Angela
Diop, ND (Unity Health Care, Inc.), Victor Freeman, MD, Bernie Galla, RN
(Howard University Hospital), Douglas M. Garland, Jr., Marina Havan (DC
Department of Human Services), Brian Jacobs, MD (Children’s National Medical
Center), Julius W. Hobson, Jr. (Polsinelli Shughart, LLP), Brenda King, RN
(District of Columbia Nurses Association), Barry L. Lewis, MD (Medical Society of
the District of Columbia), Wayne E. McOwen (District of Columbia Insurance
Federation), Robin C. Newton, MD (Howard University Hospital), Sonia R. Nagda,
MD (Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services), Machelle
Yingling Schraeder (DC Hospital Association.), Raymond Tu, MD (Progressive
Radiology), Robert Vowels, MD (DC Department of Health Care Finance), Arturo
Weldon (DC Department of Health), Cleveland Woodson (DC Department of
Health Care Finance)

DHCF Staff: Alessandra Klug, Dr. LaRah Payne, Michael Tietjen, and Carmelita

Please read:


1. Welcome and Introduction
Cleveland Woodson
2 pm – 2:05 pm

2. Call to Order

3. Announcement of Quorum

4. Approval of Minutes
2:05 pm – 2:15 pm

5. Vice Chair Selection
2:15 pm– 2:30 pm

6. DC HIE Stakeholder Survey
Michael Tietjen
2:30 pm – 2:40 pm

7. DC HIE GANTT Chart Review;
ONC Deliverables Review
Cleveland Woodson
2:40 pm – 3:15 pm

8. New Business; Reports
Cleveland Woodson; Board
3:15 pm – 4 pm

9. Adjournment
Cleveland Woodson
4 pm