Contact: Dorinda White (202) 727-9226
The Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) today announced that the DC Chartered Health Plan (Chartered) will continue to provide services to beneficiaries and payments to health-care providers as the company is put into receivership under the auspices of the Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB). As a result of the anticipated receivership, DHCF will forward a contract to the DC City Council for approval in October. DHCF’s managed care contracts expire April 30, 2013 completing the five-year term for Chartered as well as the District’s two other health plans.
“We are grateful that DISB and Chartered were able to reach an agreement to enter receivership and guarantee uninterrupted services for some of the District’s most vulnerable residents,” stated Wayne Turnage, Director of the Department of Health Care Finance. “We look forward to working with DISB and employees of Chartered to ensure the continued delivery of health care services to nearly 110,000 members as we prepare to rebid the entire managed care program in the coming weeks.”
Beneficiaries should call the DHCF Office of the Health Care Ombudsman and Bill of Rights at (202) 724-7491 or toll-free at 1-877-685-6391 if they need assistance in accessing health care services.