There are several available resources for parents, single mothers, fathers, and same-sex partners on topics such as domestic violence, homelessness/housing, drug treatment and counseling services. To learn more about these services click on the links below.
Domestic Violence:
- DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- DC Rape Crisis Center
- DC SAFE (Survivors and Advocates for Empowerment)
- East River Family Strengthening Collaboration, Inc.
- Edgewood/Brookland Family Support Collaborative
- Family Violence Prevention
- Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative, Inc.
- Georgia Avenue/Rock Creek East Family Support Collaborative
Local Drug Treatment Resources:
- Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration (APRA)
- Anchor Mental Health Association
- Community Connections
- DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- DC Department of Health, Smoking and Tobacco
- DC Department of Behavioral Health
- Family and Medical Counseling Service, Inc.
- Green Door
- N Street Village
- Whitman-Walker Health
National Drug Treatment Resources:
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Smokefree.gov
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Homeless and Housing Resources:
- Coalition for the Homeless
- Community of Hope
- Covenant House
- DC Housing Authority
- DC Department of Human Services
- Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative, Inc.
- House of Ruth
- Open Arms Housing
- Pathways to Housing DC
- Rachael's Women's Center
- SOME (So Others Might Eat)
- Unity Health Center