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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF


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Modified District Government Services for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Friday, January 17, 2025

(Washington, DC) – On Monday, January 20, District Government will observe the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday. While some services will be affected, many District employees will continue serving to maintain essential District operations.  
As community members consider their plans for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Mayor Bowser invites residents to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy by signing up to walk with her in the 20th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Walk and Parade. This year’s parade will take place indoors on Saturday, January 18, at the Entertainment and Sports Arena (ESA), 1100 Oak Drive SE. The parade and wellness fair begin at 10:30 a.m. 

Additionally, the 60th Presidential Inauguration is taking place on Monday, January 20. Stay informed and have a plan for Inauguration Day by visiting for road closures and transit impacts. Residents and visitors can text DCINAUG to 888-777 to receive updates on inaugural-related impacts.
Access to Emergency Shelter            
All low-barrier shelters for individuals experiencing homelessness operate year-round. The following low-barrier shelters are open 24 hours and will remain open all day on Monday, January 20. 

  • New York Avenue Men’s Shelter (1355 New York Avenue NE) 
  • 801 East Men's Shelter (2722 MLK Jr. Avenue SE) 
  • Adams Place Men’s Shelter (2210 Adams Place NE) 
  • Emery Men’s Shelter (1725 Lincoln Road NE) 
  • Pat Handy Women’s Shelter (810 5th Street NW) 
  • Harriet Tubman Women’s Shelter (1910 Massachusetts Avenue SE) 
  • Living Life Alternatives LGBTQ+ Shelter (400 50th Street SE) 

The following overflow and hypothermia shelters for individuals experiencing homelessness will remain open all day on Monday, January 20. 

  • 801 East Day Center (2722 MLK Jr. Avenue SE) 
  • Emery Overflow (1725 Lincoln Road NE) 
  • Federal City 1 North (425 2nd Street NW) 
  • Salvation Army (3335 Sherman Avenue NW) 
  • CCNV Drop-In Center (425 2nd Street NW)   


  • Eve’s Place Overflow (2210B Adams Place NE) 
  • Hypothermia Swing Space (1009 11th Street NW) 
  • CCNV 2 South (425 2nd Street NW) 
  • KBEC Family Life Center (4100 South Capitol Street SE) 

Individuals and families seeking accessible transportation to homeless services should call the DC Shelter Hotline at (202) 399-7093 or the Mayor’s Citywide Call Center at 311 at any time of the day or night. 
The Downtown Day Services Center (The Center), located at 1313 New York Avenue NW, provides walk-in services to individuals experiencing homelessness with no appointment required. The Center will be open on Monday, January 20 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entry will be permitted on a first-come, first-served basis. Guests will be provided with a wristband that must be worn while in the Center. 
Zoe’s Doors Youth Drop-In Center for residents experiencing homelessness, located at 900 Rhode Island Avenue NE, offers a safe place for youth 24 hours a day and will be open on Monday, January 20. 
DC Department of Behavioral Health (DBH): Residents facing mental health struggles or emotional distress, alcohol/drug misuse, or worried about loved ones can call 988 anytime to talk with a trained, caring crisis counselor for free, confidential support. The following services also are open on Monday, January 20:   

  • The DC Stabilization Center is open 24/7 to individuals 18 years and older experiencing a substance use disorder crisis. No cost, no insurance necessary. Walk in or bring a loved one anytime. Located at 35 K Street NE. 
  • Emergency psychiatric clinic. CPEP (the Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program) is open 24/7 for psychiatric stabilization and extended observation for individuals 18 years of age and older.  Walk in or bring a loved one anytime.  Located at 1905 C Street SE. 
  • The Community Response Team (CRT) provides 24/7 crisis support on the telephone, in the home or at community locations for children, youth and adults experiencing psychiatric or substance use challenges. Call (202) 673-6495.   

The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) outdoor parks, playgrounds, athletic courts, and fields will be open. All previously permitted events on these outdoor spaces will take place as scheduled.  
Modified Service Adjustments            
The DC Department of Public Works (DPW) will not collect household trash, recycling and food waste collection on Monday, January 20. Trash, recycling, and food waste collections will “slide” for the remainder of the week into Saturday. For example, households that normally receive trash, recycling and food waste collections on Monday, January 20 will be serviced on Tuesday, January 21. Leaf collection will operate on schedule.  
The Benning Road Transfer Station is closed for renovations until further notice.         
The Fort Totten Transfer Station will be closed to the public on Monday, January 20. All services will resume on Tuesday, January 21 for bulk trash and recycling. 
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will suspend construction and work zones for non-emergency work in roadways, alleys, and sidewalks within the District’s right of way. This includes manhole access and construction-related deliveries. Approved construction activities may resume Tuesday, January 21 during permitted work hours.             
Lane Restrictions:              
DDOT will suspend reversible lane operations city-wide on Monday, January 20 on the following:        

  • Canal Road between Chain Bridge and Foxhall Road NW      
  • Rock Creek Parkway (controlled by the National Park Service) 
  • 16th Street NW between Irving Street and Arkansas Avenue NW  

The DC Department of Buildings (DOB) will not allow construction on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day without an issued after-hours permit. Construction activity that proceeds on the holiday without this required permit will result in a Stop Work Order. Illegal construction reports can be made using the Illegal Construction Inspection Request Form or after-hours by calling 311. To learn more about the authorized construction hours and how to apply for an after hours permit, please view the following link After Hours Permit. DOB offers many online services, tools, and resources, enabling customers to conduct business 24 hours per day, seven days per week.      
Parking Enforcement:              
All parking enforcement will be suspended on Monday, January 20, except for Streetcar ticketing and towing. Parking enforcement will resume on Tuesday, January 21.   
DC Streetcar will operate on a normal schedule, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Riders can visit for the latest updates on routes and schedules.        
All DC Circulator services are terminated as of December 31, 2024. To find alternative route information, please visit  
DC Public Schools (DCPS) will be closed on Monday, January 20 and will reopen on Tuesday, January 21.   
DC Public Library (DCPL) All DC Public Library locations will be closed on Monday, January 20. The Library will be available online at For more information on available Library programs, visit or download the Library’s app.         
Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) recreation centers, community centers, and indoor aquatic centers will be closed on Monday, January 20. DPR facilities will resume normal hours on Tuesday, January 21.    
The Department of Human Services Economic Security Administration Service Centers will be closed on Monday, January 20. 
The DC Health & Wellness Center (77 P Street NE) will be closed on Monday, January 20.  
DC Health’s Vital Records Division will be closed on Monday, January 20.  
DC Health’s Licensing and Renewal Division will be closed Monday, January 20 with the exception of the online license applications system which will be available at       
All Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) locations will be closed on Saturday, January 18 and Monday, January 20.  Customers are encouraged to visit the DMV website at or download the agency’s free mobile app.    
The Department of Employment Services Navigation Call Center and all-American Job Centers will be closed on Monday, January 20. Residents are encouraged to file unemployment insurance claims online at            
The Sasha Bruce Youth Drop-In Centers for District residents experiencing homelessness will be closed on Monday, January 20. 
The Latin American Youth Center Youth Drop-In Center for District residents experiencing homelessness, located at 3045 15th Street NW, will be closed on Monday, January 20. 
The Adams Place Day Center for District residents experiencing homelessness, located at 2210 Adams Place NE, will be closed on Monday, January 20. 
The 801 E Day Center for District residents experiencing homelessness, located at 2722 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, will be closed on Monday, January 20. 

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