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Medicaid Update: Transmittal 18-10 - Medicaid Fee Schedule Updates for the District of Columbia Office of State Superintendent of Education Early Intervention Services

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The purpose of this transmittal is to inform the District of Columbia (DC) Office of State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) that effective February 5, 2018 the procedure codes and modifiers governing Early Intervention (EI) services billed by OSSE will be changed. In addition, this transmittal makes a correction on missing modifier TL and maximum units for procedure codes 97350, 0364T, 0365T, 0366T, 0367T, 0368T, and 0369T that were inadvertently left off in the Public Notice published in the DC Register on January 5, 2018 due to a clerical error.
