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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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Innovation - Leadership

DC State Innovation Model


SIM Core Team

The Department of Health Care Finance has four staff who constitute the core SIM team who will work with a consultant and partners in the Department of Health, the Department of Behavioral Health and the Department of Human Services to develop the SHIP. The work of the SIM team will be guided by of the Advisory Committee and Work Groups. The SIM team will incorporate feedback received from the website, social media, and town hall meetings into discussion among the Advisory Committee and Work Groups.

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee - a group of high-level government officials, payers, health and social services providers, community members and other stakeholders - will help develop a sustainable plan that will focus on better serving high-cost, high-need individuals and their families. The role of the committee will be to provide appropriate and relevant advice and counsel to help DHCF staff develop the State Health Innovation Plan (SHIP). Because of their expertise and sphere of influence, they will regularly engage with other stakeholders to get their input and feedback.

Members Include:

  • Christian Barrera Policy Analyst Office of Deputy Mayor of Health and Human Services
  • Yvette Alexander City Councilmember, Ward 7
  • Rayna Smith, Esq. Committee Director Committee on Health and Human Services
  • Claudia Schlosberg Senior Deputy Director/Medicaid Director Department of Health Care Finance
  • Lisa Fitzpatrick, MD Medical Director Department of Health Care Finance
  • LaQuandra S. Nesbitt, MD Director Department of Health
  • Laura Zeilinger Director Department of Human Services
  • Stephen Taylor Acting Commissioner Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking
  • Tanya Royster, MD Director Department of Behavioral Health
  • Jullette Saussy, MD Medical Director Fire and EMS Department
  • Mara Krause Donahue Ward 3 Resident Parent of Medicaid Beneficiary
  • Jonathan Blum, MD Executive VP of Medical Affairs CareFirst
  • Karen Dale, RN, MSN, CS Executive Director AmeriHealth
  • Maria Gomez, RN, MPH President & CEO Mary’s Center 
  • Mark Weissman, MD Chief of General Pediatrics and Community Health Children’s National Health System 
  • Amy Freeman President & CEO Providence Hospital
  • Angela Diop, ND CIO Unity Healthcare  
  • Reverend Frank D. Tucker First People Church, Ward 4 Chair, REACH
  • Reverend Christine Wiley Covenant Church, Ward 8  
  • Christy Respress Executive Director, Pathways to Housing
  • Christopher King, PhD Associate Director, MHSA Program Georgetown University School of Nursing and Health Studies
  • Richard Bebout, CEO, Green Door
  • Laura Nuss, Director, Department on Disability Services
  • Jacqueline Bowens, CEO, District of Columbia Primary Care Association

Work Groups

Multi-stakeholder Work Groups will be established to focus on specific areas of SHIP development: population health, care redesign, workforce capacity, health information technology, quality measurement and payment models. The workgroups will make recommendations for the Advisory Committee to consider for the final SHIP.

  • The Care Delivery Work Group will develop recommendations to the Advisory Committee on the design of a Medicaid initiative (likely under the Section 2703 authority in the Affordable Care Act) designed to promote coordination of care, improve patient transitions and impact patient health outcomes. 
  • The Payment Model Work Group will develop recommendations for the Advisory Committee on a value-based payment model that ties payment to achievement of quality and health outcomes rather than just the provision of services. This committee will look beyond the near-term plans for an initial health home model to how payments can eventually be tied to performance. It will consider the long-term vision for District payment policy, considering such approaches as shared savings, pay for performance, accountable care organizations, bundled payments and other value-based purchasing strategies.
  • The Community Linkages Work Group will develop recommendations for the Advisory Committee on ways to integrate community health and social services with medical care. The work group will explore data needs for the both social and health services providers needed to better monitor population health and effectively coordinate care between the two sectors. It will also look at models for better linking the financing of social services and medical care in order to better incentivize a whole-person approach to care delivery.
  • The Quality Metrics Work Group will develop recommendations for the Advisory Committee to design a plan that would seek to streamline quality reporting across all District payers; promote agreement on a shared set of measures; identify quality report infrastructure needs; and strategies for quality improvement.
  • The HIE Work Group will help develop recommendations related to the design, development, and implementation of technology that will support care coordination efforts.  Leveraging an existing HIE work group, this committee will identify opportunities for technology to support these efforts and develop recommendations for best way to build the technology and report back to the HIE Policy Board.