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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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Katherine Rogers

Katherine Rogers, Director, Long-Term Care Administration (LTCA)

Director, Long-Term Care Administration (LTCA)
District of Columbia Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF)

Katherine first joined DHCF as a data analyst in June 2011 and served as the Associate Director for the data shop from October 2012 until her departure in October 2014. During this time, she began working with long-term care staff on programmatic and operational issues. Katherine returned to DHCF as the Special Projects Officer for the LTCA in January 2018. Since then, she has leveraged her research and data analytics expertise to expand and initiate new data analytic and reporting functions, including automated reports monitoring LTSS delivery, administration workflows and workloads, and activities of interest to Medicaid stakeholder groups. Additionally, Katherine brings an extensive knowledge of Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS), policy and program development, and delivery system reform to her new role. Katherine’s leadership to date has brought forward operational improvements to LTSS, laid the foundation for our current efforts to better integrate Medicaid and Medicare services and promote whole-person care, and ensured continued access to care during the public health emergency.

Katherine holds a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Cornell University; a master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania; a master’s degree in public health from George Washington University; and a PhD in public policy and public administration from the George Washington University Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration.

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