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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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Health System Re-Design Subcommittee

Part of the purpose of the Health Care Redesign Subcommittee is to develop recommendations for the Medical Care Advisory Committee. These recommendations would be informed by input from beneficiaries and their families, providers, and other stakeholders and, guided by data and strategies outlined in the SHIP, DC Healthy People 2020, and District of Columbia Community Health Needs Assessment.

Output from the committee will address what specific changes are needed in the Medicaid program to help integrate community health, social services, behavioral health and medical care; strategies to engage beneficiaries and their families in care decisions, and approaches to leverage resources and collaboration across private sector, government, and non-government entities.

Contact us:
For the 2022 calendar year, meetings take place the first Wednesday of every other month from 4:00-5:30pm using Microsoft Teams or Webex. Please contact us a with questions and how to sign up to attend a meeting. The meeting agendas below also provide specific meeting dates and other information about subcommittee work.

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