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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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The Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) leads the implementation of Health Information Exchanges (HIE) to help the District reach its goal of delivering timely and actionable health-related information.

DHCF is responsible for facilitating funding to support health IT projects that directly support Medicaid providers while building HIE infrastructure to serve all District residents, developing digital health strategies for the District that are responsive to the complex health care needs of a diverse population, and regulating HIE. 

DC HIE Oversight

The District’s “HIE Rule” (Chapter 87, District of Columbia Health Information Exchange, of Title 29, DCMR) (PDF) authorizes DHCF to oversee and administer the DC HIE. The DC HIE is a network of registered organizations in the District that collaborate to ensure health information is shared securely and effectively. Specifically, the DC HIE must make the right health-related information available to the right individuals at the right time. 
The DC HIE enables access to the right information at the right time, which is critical to effectively support the District’s goals to support care coordination, address social determinants, improve health outcomes, and address gaps in public health information. 
For more information on the DC HIE, please contact [email protected]. To request a new HIE use case for consideration, please click here.

Registered and Designated DC HIEs

The DC HIE provides a level playing field and a citywide governance structure to help exchange health information and meet customer’s needs. There are two ways to participate, as either a District Registered OR Designated HIE Entity. 
District Registered HIE Entities are organizations that demonstrate that they meet or exceed core minimum privacy, security, and access requirements, as defined by the DC HIE Rule. District Registered HIE Entities serve a three-year (3) term.

Once a HIE entity has demonstrated it meets the District’s privacy and security requirements to become a District Registered HIE Entity, the HIE entity may apply to be selected as the District Designated HIE Entity for a five-year (5) term. The application process to be selected as a Designated HIE is only opened on a competitive basis, and at limited times.


Designated DC HIE Entity Start Date Expiration Date
Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients, Inc. DC April 13, 2020 April 14, 2025
District Registered HIE Entities Start Date Expiration Date
Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients, Inc., DC November 27, 2022 November 28, 2025
District of Columbia Primary Care Association (CPC-HIE) February 25, 2023 February 25, 2026


Since April 2020, Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP) DC has served as the competitively selected District Designated DC HIE and strategic partner of DHCF and the District government. The CRISP DC HIE supports the ongoing maintenance and operation of HIE infrastructure and services that facilitate the secure, electronic exchange of health information among the District Registered HIE entities and participating organizations in the District

To learn more about the CRISP DC HIE’s tools and capabilities and for information to access these services, please visit the CRISP DC website.