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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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About - Innovation Initiatives

Health Care Reform and Innovation Administration (HCRIA)

HCRIA advances innovative approaches to enhance quality, improve outcomes, and promote health equity for District residents. HCRIA plans, develops, and implements care delivery and payment reforms, digital health tools, and technical assistance programs. These innovations aim to advance “whole-person” care, which includes addressing an individual’s physical health, behavioral health, and social drivers of health. HCRIA is comprised of two Divisions to drive innovation at DHCF.

Division of Reform and Innovation Support

The Division of Reform and Innovation Support advances care delivery and payment reform strategies in the District. The Division plans, develops, and implements demonstration projects, technical assistance programs, grants, and other new initiatives to support “whole-person” care.

Division of Digital Health

The Division of Digital Health Division advances the use of health information technology, health information exchange (HIE), and other digital health tools to better connect District residents and providers and to ensure health information is available whenever and wherever it is needed.

This Division regulates HIE in accordance with the DC HIE Rule and serves as the District’s state health IT coordinator – leading digital health strategy and convening stakeholders through the DC HIE Policy Board and elsewhere to remain responsive to needs. It is also responsible for the design, development, implementation, and sustainability of the DC HIE, which facilitates the exchange of health information across the District’s health system. The Division also oversees tailored technical assistance to drive adoption and meaningful use of digital health tools by District health care providers.