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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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Department of Health Care Finance - DHCF

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Alternate (3rd party) - EVV

The DHCF EVV program allows Provider Agencies to use the District supplied Sandata EVV system or use another EVV system.  If you choose to use an alternate EVV system to submit EVV data, you must notify the Sandata in order to use your Alt EVV system. The Alt-EVV specification document and the Alt-EVV addendum, details the data transmission requirements as well as the format of required and optional data.  All Alt-EVV systems must be able to provide all the required data elements. The current Alt EVV specifications can be found on Sandata on Demand.

To determine if the Alt-EVV system meets the requirements, the provider agency should review the specification documents with their Alt-EVV vendor.  If the vendor’s system meets the requirements, the vendor can start the credentialing process. The provider and vendor will then need to coordinate their testing efforts.  Sandata will supply the testing checklist after the testing credentials have been issued.

It is up to the Provider Agency to ensure that their vendor is staying on track with the published schedule. 

Providers who plan to use an Alt EVV must register online at the DC Department of Health Care Finance Alternative EVV New Provider Registration Form. Vendors, not currently registered with the Sandata DHCF EVV will start the online credentialing process.

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PDF icon Technical Specifications  - 671.8 KB (pdf)